Want to join the Krewe?

Check out these Krewe team descriptions to see which ones appeal to you most, then make your selections when you complete the Krewe Volunteer Form. 

Dispatch Krewe

I like to help with anything you need, just point me where to go!

Krewe who jump in to fill any volunteer needs that come up during the con. Two weeks prior to the con, Volunteer Krewe will find out what Dispatch volunteers are interested in and what panels and events they don’t want to miss. Volunteer Krewe then assigns shifts to each Dispatch volunteer, either on a specific team or on active standby at Dispatch for when needs arise. If you decide to wait and volunteer on-site, Krewe members will send you to Dispatch for assignment.

Note: Active standby from Dispatch may not cover teams that require special skills (tech ops), training (security), or prior approval (guests).

Marketing Krewe 

I like to hype things up! 

Krewe responsible for getting the word out about Nerdi Gras and getting folks hyped about it. Between cons, they help with social media and the website, finding and recruiting sponsors, designing and printing signs and guides, and attending Nerdi Gras promotional booths at other Atlanta-area conventions. During the con, they take photos, record videos, and keep social media updated.

Vendor Krewe

I like helping folks sell cool things! 

Krewe responsible for drawing vendors to Nerdi Gras and serving them during the con. Between cons, this includes finding and recruiting vendors for Nerdi Gras, assigning them booths based on their requirements, coordinating their vendor badges with the Registration Krewe, and making sure they’re informed and have their questions answered. During the con, this includes helping them with unloading and setup if needed, then checking in with them throughout the convention to address any needs they have. They work on both the main vendor floor and with the game vendors (paid gaming experiences). 

Guests Krewe

I like pampering our VIPs!

(Requires additional approval by the team after applying.) Krewe responsible for drawing special guests to Nerdi Gras and serving their needs throughout the con. Between cons, they reach out to potential guests, help schedule guests’ travel and hotel, and work with the Panel and Events Krewe to ensure guests’ con events are covered in venue rooms that meet their needs. During the con, they each serve as a guest’s trusted personal liaison, which potentially involves longer hours than other volunteers.

Panel and Events Krewe

I like making sure the programming is on-schedule and enjoyable!

Krewe responsible for coordinating, scheduling, and managing panels, workshops, and events at Nerdi Gras other than the gaming-related events. This includes Main Programming, Cosplay Programming, Contests, and Live Entertainment. Between cons, they aid with curating panels and events and coordinating with the people involved. During the con, they manage panel rooms, direct events, monitor attendees arriving and leaving rooms, and keep clear and prompt communication going with hosts and programming leads.

Gaming Events Krewe

I like what the Panel and Events Krewe does, and I also LOVE gaming!

Krewe responsible for coordinating, scheduling, and managing panels and events at Nerdi Gras that are specific to gaming. This includes Video Gaming, Tabletop Gaming, Live Gaming, and miscellaneous Game Programming throughout the schedule. The responsibilities between cons and during the con are same as the Panel and Events Krewe.

Charity Events Krewe

I like to raise money for good causes!

Krewe responsible for organizing and managing the charity fundraising missions for Nerdi Gras. Between cons, they decide on the charity that Nerdi Gras will support next, set fundraising goals, and coordinate with the Marketing Krewe to promote the charity (printed signs, program book ads, social media, etc.). During the con, they make the rounds of panels and events to promote charity donations and keep attendees informed about progress toward the fundraising goal.

Volunteer Management Krewe

I like to make sure my fellow volunteers know what to do!

Krewe responsible for recruiting, organizing, and managing volunteers for Nerdi Gras. Between cons, they communicate with volunteers, pair volunteers with teams, and set expectations. During the con, they direct volunteers on arrival and take shifts managing Dispatch and assigning Dispatch volunteers where they’re needed.

Registration Krewe

I like making folks feel welcome! 

Krewe responsible for attendee, volunteer, and guest registration and badge handling for Nerdi Gras. During the con, they welcome everyone, sell and distribute badges, and direct people to the info booth if they have questions. They also welcome vendors and guests while ensuring that they’re directed to the volunteer teams handling those vendors and guests.

Information Krewe

I like making sure people are informed! 

Krewe responsible for manning the info booth and serving as a central point for gathering and distributing information about everything that’s happening. Before the con begins, they familiarize themselves with the venue and the schedule, including any changes to what the printed guide says. During the con, they answer attendee questions about the con, direct people where to go, and update signage when panels and events change. They also maintain a list of contact information for all Krewe members and know who to contact in each team when needs arise. (Throughout the con, other Krewe teams are responsible for updating the Information Krewe with any changes in panels, events, guests, vendors, rooms, etc.)

Disability Services Krewe

I like making sure that everyone has equal access to enjoy the convention experience!

Krewe responsible for ensuring that needs are met for attendees, guests, and vendors of Nerdi Gras who have disabilities. Both before and during the con, they ensure that disabilities do not prevent attendees, guests, and vendors from participating in all forms of programming at Nerdi Gras. They coordinate with both Krewe leads and venue staff for accommodations, and they coordinate with fellow Krewe mates to address any unique needs. 

Store Krewe

I like organizing stuff and selling cool T-shirts!

Krewe responsible for the Nerdi Gras store during the con. Just before the con starts, they set up the store. During the con, they keep products organized and neatly displayed, and they conduct the sales transactions in a way that captures the positive energy of Nerdi Gras.

Tech Ops Krewe

I like tech stuff and working behind the scenes to make the magic happen!

(Requires additional approval by the team after applying.) Krewe responsible for the audio, video, and electrical needs for panels and events throughout Nerdi Gras. Tech Ops requires volunteers to have experience with certain equipment and/or live production. Thus, leaders of the Tech Ops team will check in with you about your skills before the convention.

Security Krewe

I like keeping people safe and secure even amidst all the debauchery!

(Requires additional approval by the team after applying.) Krewe that provides security services throughout Nerdi Gras. Before the con starts, they meet to discuss the venue, convention rules and expectations, contact details, and security protocols. During the con, they monitor all places where people go and ensure attendees are being safe and following both convention and venue rules. They’re expected to report issues to appropriate contacts based on the situation (convention leads, venue security, police, etc.), follow the convention’s protocols for deescalating situations when appropriate, and defer to professional security personnel when needed.